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Merits of Joining Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services
Fire accidents happen all the time and while you won't wish to be in such a situation, the least you can expect is to get people to help should it happen to you. Nevertheless, you can also contribute to such a case. You can become a volunteer member of the fire fighting clubs so that you can be of help to other people. In such a case, you won't feel helpless when you hear the fire sirens or see people wailing following fire accidents. In addition, you can also help out in other scenarios where emergency services such as from Oregon Volunteer Firefighters Association are required including motor vehicle accidents.
Volunteering, in this case, will be helpful to people who are action-oriented. If you get an adrenaline rush every time you are called to take immediate action then this is exactly what you need. It is more exciting compared to being stuck in a cubicle all day long. Therefore, you should get out and follow the path that excites you to get up in the morning as opposed to going with just what pays your bills. You need to pack your life with exciting memories and this is why volunteering to fire fighting clubs and services will be a great move.
On the same note, it puts you in a position to help people. Whether you are getting benefits from it or not, helping people never gets old. It gives you a great sense of satisfaction to see someone smile all because of something you did for them. This is exactly what you'll be signing up for if you decide to volunteer for fire fighting clubs. You don't have to sit back and complain about how you don't have enough money to help those who are in need. Even a few minutes of your time will be enough.
Another merit is that you can still be a volunteer and go on with your normal activities. Just because you are volunteering doesn't mean you have to quit your day job or school in order to focus on this fully. You can put in a few hours daily or on specific days of the week depending on what you are interested in. No matter how bad your week was you can look forward to that one opportunity to give back to the community in order to turn things around. Therefore, consider that before turning down the chance to volunteer at a fire fighting club.
On the same note, it does do great for your resume if you are in the kind of field where volunteer work is greatly encouraged. When the potential employers see that despite your busy life you are always finding time to give back to the community it shows that you'll also show the same commitment to your job. For this reason, think about that when you are making a decision. In addition, it will feel great to belong to a team and you can make great friends in the process. Some can even last a lifetime. Check out more from Oregon Volunteer Firefighters Association .